Chronic headaches accompanied by tension get the most relief from a combination of regular gentle chiropractic treatment of the upper cervical spine, cranial adjustments and sedative herbs (Passion flower, St. John’s Wort, Valerian) and an anti-inflammatory (feverfew, meadowsweet, willow bark) and an antispasmodic (cramp bark, wild yam, passionflower). Vascular headaches respond well to stimulants (Gingko, nettle, peppermint). Migraine headaches also respond well to vitamin B2 and Magnesium daily.
Herbal Teas for Headaches
General headache relief: Sage, rosemary, peppermint and wood betony; steep equal parts of each herb in boiling water and take every 2 hours until relief is obtained.
Relaxing headache relief: Skullcap, valerian, rosemary, chamomile, and peppermint; a cup of tea should be taken every hour.
Migraine relief: Use equal parts black horehound, meadowsweet, and chamomile; make as an infused tea and drink to relieve vascular headaches accompanied by vomiting.
3102 Oak Lawn Ave #205 Dallas, TX, 75219 USA • (214) 521-6868